Monday 19 December 2011

Would you like to see my world?

Every town and city has them: dark, quiet, forgotten places. Places for those that don’t want to be found. Places where they can hide.    
             I can show you. I can show you everything. But there are some things you should know first. You’ll need to be ready, because you’re going to change. Everything about you is going to change. You’re going to change your life, drop out, lose your friends. You’re going to have to hide things from the people who love you, even become a stranger to them. You’re going to have to become someone you don’t like. A loner.
A killer.
Yes, a killer. It’s hard, but it’s for the best.
You’re about to leave everything you know behind. Everything that’s safe and familiar. Your warm and cosy existence, the noise and the traffic, the bustling shops, the brightly lit streets, the warmth of knowing other people are never far away. You’re going to turn your back on it all, because where you’re going society has no reach.
             So follow me now, as I cut under the feet of the shoppers and the office workers. Don’t linger as we pass through the rubbish-strewn back alleys, the dimly lit underpasses. These aren’t the places I’m talking about. We need to go deeper. Down into the depths. Underneath the streets, under the cellars, even the sewers .
            You’ll soon find yourself in another world. A world of darkness, dampness and rats. A world of despair. A world of death.  
So now you’re here. The underworld. And you’re about to step into my shoes. Are you sure you want to see? Come then. Just one foot in front of the other, the easiest thing in the World.....

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